Lyme Regis

We got up early today to make our way from London to Lyme Regis. Got up around 6:30 am and made our way to a continental breakfast at the hotel.  All packed up and on our way,
we made a stop to see Stonehenge.
An hour or so later, we arrived in Lyme Regis, Mary Anning's town.
Ammonites led the way to and decorated the town of Lyme Regis

Finally arrived at the Lyme Regis Museum!

After arriving, my parents surprized me with a private tour guide of Mary Anning's life in Lyme Regis. Natalie Manifold took us all around town to show us the town's old post box (the wood still intact), the mill and the field where young Mary Anning was struck by lightning, Joseph Anning's (Mary Anning's older brother, who collected fossils with her) home, the Jurassic outcrops, the town church, and Mary Anning's grave stone. After the tour, we quickly made our way upstairs inside the museum (It was closing) and discovered two people who turned out to be historian David Tucker and paleontologist Chris Andrew. They both were excited to share the fossils with me and show me the latest discoveries made on the coast! Every year in May Lyme Regis hosts Mary Anning Day, were paleontologist and goelogist come to celebrate the fossil discoveries. Chris Andrew was so enthusiastic telling me of the marine paleo in Great Britain, including the stories of the fossil hunts underwater-scuba diving!

To learn more about Natalie's Walking Tours in Lyme Regis Click Below

Fossil shop across from the Lyme Regis Museum
The gorgeous Jurassic outcrop where Mary Anning made her discoveries

Fossil hunter Carmel Hardisty

Fossil ammonites, pyrite (fool's gold), and a vertebrae (possibly ichthyosaur)

A Jurassic ichthyosaur at the Natural History Museum of London

Mary Anning's home town. Note the lamp posts on the left.

One last look of the Jurassic outcrops before heading to the cemetary

Mary and Joseph Anning's grave stone

Flowers and fossil ammonites for Mary and Joseph Anning

Stained glass dedicated to Mary Anning in her church

Latest and greatest finds made on the Jurassic coast

At the Mary Anning Museum with paleontologist Chris Andrew and his fossil arthropod

Tour guide Natalie Manifold (upper left), Historian David Tucker (upper right)
 and paleontologist Chris Andrew (bottom right)


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